This is the home page for our Historic Recipe Project in DIGIT 400 at Penn State Erie -
The Behrend College. Here, we will be analyzing various ingredients used during the Silk Trade Route and their relation to the various countries involved.
This webpage is dedicated to the exploration and understanding of spices used in the spice trade route. The spice trade route began around 2000 BC.
The spices that we explored can be found in the "Ingredients" tab. Within that page you will see information pertaining to the spices' genus species, origin, as well as a quick description to what properties the spices hold. We have chosen to research these specific spices because they are all pertinent to the development of many recipes. The recipes we have included can be found under the "Recipes" tab.
To get a better understanding of our analysis and findings, please feel free to check out our "Analysis" tab. Here you canf ind the correlations between the spices we researched regarding family relations and heat index.
To see examples of the coding techniques we utilized, check out the "Coding Tab". After clinking on the various links, you will be directed to our project's GitHub.
Information regarding the developers can be found in the "About" tab.